As you know (if you listen to The Wyrd Ways Rock Show podcast), I’m a regular listener to, and admittedly a bit of a fanboy for, the Come Curious podcast presented by Florence Bark and Reed Thomas-Litman. I’ve signed up as a Patreon and everything. It’s a really good listen and I very much recommend it. But they do talk frankly about sex and various other things, so I suppose I have to add a content warning on that one.
In the current episode (which was recorded at the tail end of last year, going by some of the comments Reed and Florence make), they do a bit of journalling, using the questions below. Now, I’m going to do the same because one of the recommended ways of improving your mental health is to journal. It’s not something I’ve really got into, but I thought this year, in this case, I’d give it a go. If you want to hear my answers, I’ll be doing it in the show I’ll be recording over the weekend.
As I promised, here’s the questions:
1. One word to define what yoou would like to do in 2025:
2. What three moments brought you the most joy in 2024?
3. What three accomplishments are you proud of in 2024?
4. What was the one habit that held you back in 2024?
5. How did you look after yourself emotionally, mentally and physically in 2024?
6. What do you want to nurture in 2025?
7. One lesson to take from 2024 into 2025?
8. New place to be kinky?
9. One new kink to learn about
10. Ultimate date idea
11. Which new way to orgasm do you want to unlock?
12. One toy you want to try out?
13. One sex party you’d like to go to.
14. Where do you see [whatever your creative outlet is] by the end of 2025?
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