Wyrd Ways Rock Show 2.04

18/09/2020 admin 0

I know I say this pretty much every time, but there’s a whole load of new stuff in this latest edition of The Wyrd Ways Rock Show. You have my cast iron guarantee you will hear something in this show that you’ve never heard before. You may even discover your new favourite band.

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Once More… With Feeling!

17/08/2019 Carl 0

Time to get the podcast up and running again after the last false start or two.

Now the old mental health is not so bad (even though I am still… erm… unbusy, so if anyone’s got any jobs going, let me know!), following a refresh and recharge brought on by a week down in Cornwall, I thought it was time to resurrect this whole podcast thing. I do have medical advice that says to do something I enjoy.

The problem is that until very recently, it would be fair to say that there wasn’t much I actually enjoyed doing. At all.

Believe it or not, this one’s been brewing since March, so with a few tweaks, it’s now ready.

Let’s light ’em up.